Daylight Savings Time

A lot of times, I feel that there is not enough time in a day to do everything I need to do, but today, that holds truer than any other days of the year. I mean sleep is for the weak anyway. Just kiIMG_7803dding. I could have totally used that extra hour. To help us kind of cope with the loss of an hour, Mike and I went do Dunkin’ Donuts at 5:30 in the morning. I still don’t feel I can function properly, but that might be more of a personal thing rather than a DST thing.

We are heading over to my brother’s house for the day. Mike is getting ready and I can hear the Moana soundtrack playing. I am both proud and giggly. Haha! Anyway, I’ve decided that I will go bare-faced and hair undone. I blame this on DST. But also because my face can use the day to just breathe. Ok forgive me but I have to stop. The Moana soundtrack proves to be distracting and funny. LOL!

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